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Institute Statement on the Tragic Killing of Daunte Wright

The International Institute of Minnesota is profoundly saddened and angered by the death of Daunte Wright.  It is heartbreaking and hard to understand how this tragedy could happen less than a year after the death of George Floyd. We are also exasperated by the inability of our community and country to find any meaningful ways to address structural racism that continues to result in the unacceptable and tragic loss of life.

It is inexcusable that after centuries of  racial inequity that our elected leaders still have not been able to create any significant reform that can stop the repeating cycle of violence.  Now, more than ever, our community demands change that leads to real reform.

It is important to recognize that the majority of people who serve us in public safety roles do their jobs professionally.  Yet it is beyond clear that when actions lead to unnecessary deaths that there is swift and appropriate action and accountability. It is also not clear what systems change has occurred to reform a culture that has resulted in the numerous deaths of unarmed black men.

We must all do our part to find ways to advocate for change and accountability by demanding that our elected leaders find ways to drive deep reform in law enforcement in our country so it is more responsive, accountable, and trusted. We will continue to use our heartbreak and  outrage to support our neighbors, to be an effective voice for change that speaks up for justice wherever it is needed.