Supporting survivors, rebuilding lives

What is Human Trafficking?
Human trafficking is a crime. The legal definition reads: When one person obtains or holds another person in compelled service for labor or commercial sex and either force, fraud or coercion are used, indicating the victim has not consented of his or her own free will.
How We Help
We are dedicated to assisting foreign-born youth and adult survivors of human trafficking so they can rebuild their lives in Minnesota. We do this by ensuring survivors receive the care and resources needed to rebuild their lives.
We help trafficking survivors:
- Find safe, affordable housing
- Access primary and mental healthcare
- Obtain job training and job placement services
- Learn English
- Obtain referrals for other social services
We educate others:
We offer training and technical assistance to agencies and organizations who work with survivors. Together, we support those affected by labor or sex trafficking.

Recognize the Signs of Human Trafficking
Knowing what to look out for can save lives.
- Lack of control over personal schedule, money, identification or other documents
- Lack of knowledge about the community they live in
- Accompanied by a controlling person or boss; not speaking on own behalf
- Inconsistent stories (“just visiting”)
- Depression, fear, overly submissive behavior
- Signs of assault, restraint or malnourishment
- Transported to or from work; lives and works in the same place
- Unnecessary or unusual security on work site
- Little pay, works long hours without breaks
- Owes debt to employer or crew leader; unable to leave job
Your Support is Essential
Invest in the future of a foreign-born trafficking survivor. Your tax-deductible gift supports our work, helping survivors secure safe housing, access primary and mental health care, receive job training and more.

More Services and Classes
T Visa Support
A T visa is an immigration benefit that gives victims of human trafficking temporary status and permission to work in the U.S. Approved T visa also make a person eligible for a green card after a certain period of time. We offer low-cost T visa representation for eligible survivors.
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Safe Harbor
In Minnesota, sexually exploited youth are not seen as criminals, but as survivors in need of services. We focus on providing social services, case management and educational programs for foreign-born youth (24 and under) who are survivors of sex trafficking or exploitation or are at risk of being trafficked or exploited.
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English Classes
Learn how to read, write and speak in English. We teach adults at all levels, from beginning to advanced.
Monday- Thursday
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morning, afternoon and evening
In person and Online (Zoom)
Contact Us
Please call if you have questions about the Institute’s Anti-Trafficking services.
Andrea Kittleson
Program Manager
(651) 377-8602