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From Our Executive Director

Stability & Opportunity


Dear Supporters,

This year the Institute completed a three-year strategic plan with a focus on providing the best services possible for recent arrivals in the country, while also advancing opportunities for those who have lived here longer. We continue offering the critical core services we have developed over the years that lead to stability and a place for New Americans to call home. Your support in 2023 contributed greatly to the financial stability that fueled this work. Our expanded services, education and advocacy in the community were critical. We are proud to share how we developed and delivered quality programs that support New Americans.

Our refugee resettlement program is thriving after several lean years of U.S. refugee admissions. Populations in need of emergency help, including Ukrainians, Afghans and other humanitarian parolees continue arriving in increasing numbers. They are being supported through the Institute’s Community Orientation Workshops, English and College Readiness classes, employment training, immigration services, and other essential programs that welcome families and help guide them toward their future.

Workforce development programs such as our Hospitality and Medical Careers Pathways enrolled almost 800 people last year. Our students are filling jobs essential for a strong community and economy. Nursing Assistant Training certified its 3,000th student this year, and more than 700 Medical Career Advancement graduates advanced to nursing and other positions in healthcare. Our Professional Leadership Development class, which helps students build skills to advance their careers and become community leaders, was also an incubator for the development of a new Business Pathway.

This year we also advocated for New Americans at the Minnesota legislature, working closely with BIPOC leadership. This resulted in a $1,100,000 legislative appropriation to expand our Medical Careers Pathway. It is exciting to see new classrooms in our expanded building brimming with students. Our additional space hosted large community and volunteer events, client graduations and celebrations, and weekly group citizenship processing.

This year we added two new senior director positions: Micaela Schuneman leads Immigration and Refugee Services and JP Holwerda leads Workforce Development. Their expertise and experience will enable us to continue to improve and grow our programs.

Jane Graupman smiling

We made the difficult decision this year to say goodbye to our beloved Festival of Nations. The celebration of diversity in our community and the inspiring volunteers will be missed. We hope to engage them in the daily work of the Institute and continue to showcase the contributions of volunteers and clients year round.

At the Institute, selfless staff and volunteers give of their time every day, helping refugees, humanitarian parolees, survivors of trafficking and those who dream of safety. They shine a light on a path forward with warm welcomes, hope and comprehensive services.

The International Institute of Minnesota offers a home for New Americans. It is our mission to guide them into a pathway of success so they can support themselves, their families and the future of our state. Thank you for your partnership in making this dream a reality for our clients.


Jane Graupman

Executive Director

Save the Date!

Please join us for our largest fundraising event of the year on Wednesday, May 7 at The Depot.

Proceeds from New Americans New Beginnings will support programs that help New Americans achieve stability and success. We can’t wait to see you there!

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